10 Things to Remember When You Are Feeling Stuck
- by Lolly Daskal
Inc.com — 10 Things to Remember When You Are Feeling Stuck. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the old one.
We all feel stuck at one time or another--in a bad relationship, in the wrong job, in business, or just generally in life. Whatever the situation, feeling stuck doesn't make us feel good about ourselves. We may lose track of it when we don't feel good about ourselves, but we always have choices. We have the choice to change things and do something about whatever isn't working.
Here are some thoughts to help you through the most frequently experienced forms of feeling stuck:
1. When you're stuck in your thinking...
Treat it as a sign that it's time to make a significant change. Growth and change can be painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck.
2. When you're stuck in your skills...
It's never too late to update and upgrade your knowledge and skills. And there's no better way to take a proactive approach to self-advancement. Invest in yourself and look for opportunities for development, personally and professionally. Do everything you can to learn, grow, and expand--there's always something new to learn.
3. When you're stuck thinking things should be easier...
We all want life, success, and good relationships to come easily--even though we know that's almost never the case. Instead of wondering why things come with difficulty, focus on the lessons you can learn along the way. Nothing worthwhile comes without a struggle, and there's much more wisdom to be gained in adversity than in ease.