What Will Make People Really Stay at Their Jobs?

  • by Marcel Schwantes
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Inc.com — Culture is a powerful employee retention strategy as the Great Resignation rolls on. It's accurate to say that we will continue to see quiet quitters and similar trends of disengaged workers for years to come. So, what exactly do employees want from their leaders the...

5 Great Reasons Why You Should Get an Executive Coach

  • by Gordon Tredgold
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Inc.com — Executive coaching was not something I ever saw myself either signing up for, as I was always of the impression that only poor performers or under performers needed coaching and I never saw myself in that category.

That all changed around ten years ago...

The Selfish Benefit of Selflessness

  • by Jim VandeHei
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Axios Finish Line — The best people and leaders put their friends, colleagues and company above their own ambition.

Why it matters: It's often the wild CEOs with cutthroat cultures who get featured in books or HBO shows. But the most successful — and happy — leaders we...

Leaders Need Professional Coaching Now More Than Ever

  • by Magdalena Nowicka Mook
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Harvard Business Review — The pandemic brought unforeseen disruption at breathtaking speed, taking a toll on the physical and emotional well-being of employees. The stakes are even higher for leaders reexamining strategic direction and vision while managing ambiguity. With employees concerned about an evolving workplace, it is imperative that leaders be better equipped to address real anxieties. Professional...

CEO Recruiters Increasingly Prize Soft Skills

  • by Emily Peck
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Axios Markets — Turns out some of us might have what it takes to run a giant public company: social skills. CEOs with such skills are increasingly in demand, finds a new analysis just published in the Harvard Business Review.

Why it matters:

People skills have grown in importance...